Point Sur Light Station

You may have noticed that I've found myself on a bit of a lighthouse quest over the last year or so. I guess curiosity finally got the best of me after driving by so many of them up and down the coast over the years, that I finally decided I need to see them up close. A prime example of that would be this one, Point Sur Light Station, poised upon a gigantic volcanic rock just north of Big Sur, CA. In fact this may just be THE one that has always intrigued me the most, triggering me to start paying more attention to them. From the road as you drive by, all you can see is what looks like a fort on top of the rock which seems so secluded and remote, like it's somewhere secret that you aren't allowed to go. As it turns out though all it takes is a little research and timing to join one of the weekly tours. To be perfectly honest I had no prior plans of doing this this weekend, but as fate would have it there was a tour happening at the exact moment I had some free time while chilling in Big Sur. 

And yeah, super glad I made it here as it was a really neat place to experience first hand. First lit in 1889, the preservation and restoration they've done here is really amazing. The museum they have setup within the light station buildings is top notch, and the amount of information they have documenting the crazy engineering that went into its construction is really intriguing. Being up on that big rock feels pretty cool too!

P.S. The final picture here is from the campsite in Big Sur.


Legends of Autobahn


Heading to Monterey