Currently traveling the U.S. in my ‘71 BMW 2002.
I’ve always been an avid traveler, enjoying the journey as much as the destination. When visiting new places, my preference is to just go out exploring rather than have an itinerary of specific sights to see. To fuel my travels, I often enjoy coming up with quests for myself, unique challenges that will bring me a greater level of fulfillment.
One day I got the bright idea to try driving my 1971 BMW 2002 the entire California coast from LA to Oregon and back, just to see if I could. Not only was it a raging success, but it completely changed the game for me. Road tripping in vintage cars is my new passion.
Aside from that I also love history, nature, and any feat of human engineering. These interests act as a catalyst to seek out new places and experiences, feeding my thirst for adventure. As of August 2023 I've begun working remotely out of AirBnBs to allow myself the opportunity to explore more freely. This is a blog chronicling my journey to see, experience, and learn all that I can while on the road.
Instagram: @toddkay