Stop to smell the flowers

I absolutely love cruising the coast road more than anywhere else, but I'm always wishing I had a little more time to just stop and explore. It seems like just about every few miles there's a random gravel turnout with a small dirt path leading down to the shore. Where does that path lead? Am I allowed to go? What's down there? How far is it? Should I stop!? These questions of curiosity race through your mind as you drive past them, one after another, and it's so easy to say to yourself "hey that looks cool, I'll stop there NEXT TIME."  It would take an eternity to explore them all, but I try my best to leave extra time to accommodate stopping at least a couple of times for a small hike when something catches my eye. This particular one was a pretty lucky find I have to admit, as it's apparently part of Sea Ranch's complex of public access points and they even had a map posted of all the others. There was probably a couple of mile's worth of meandering trails at just this one spot, leading out to some incredible vistas that seemed remote and unreachable from the road at first glance. So yeah, definitely worth stopping and checking it out, whatever it may be. ๐Ÿ™Œ


Redwood Camping


Yurt Livinโ€™